Travel Health

Travel Health

Some medications sold over-the-counter in Canada may require a prescription elsewhere and may cause problems if you are discovered with them in your possession at the border. Ask your pharmacist to label every medication before you leave. Keep all medications and...
Compliance Packaging

Compliance Packaging

Compounding pharmacies are types of pharmacies that prepare special medications by mixing (or compounding) raw ingredients. In the 1920’s and 30’s a majority of the medications were made by pharmacists for a specific patient. Today though, compounded...
Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking

Smoking is a very harmful habit that harms just about every organ in the body and reduces the overall health of the smoker. It is the leading cause of premature death in Canada as well as the leading cause of lung cancer which causes the greatest number of deaths. It...
Opioid Dependence/ treatment

Opioid Dependence/ treatment

Opioids are a strong class of dugs that trigger the release of endorphins, the neurotransmitters that make your brain feel good, hindering you from feeling pain and boosting feelings of pleasure. Genetic, psychological, and environmental factors can increase the risk...
Asthma Counselling

Asthma Counselling

Asthma is a condition in which the airways in the lungs constrict, potentially getting blocked by mucus due to environmental as well as psychological triggers. Its main symptoms involve coughing, wheezing, tightening of chest, and shortness of breath, with most...
Diabetes Education

Diabetes Education

Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which the insulin hormone is either not being created or not properly used by the body, resulting in high levels of blood sugar since insulin is responsible for the storage and the burning of sugar in blood, maintaining a good level...