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11 Speedvale Ave E,

Guelph, ON N1H 1J2


+1 (519) 265-5656


+1 (519) 265-5653


7 + 15 =


Even healthy adults are not immune to the flu. Getting vaccinated is the best way to avoid catching and spreading the virus.

Please contact us to book a flu shot appointment 


Whether you’ve had diabetes for years or just received a diagnosis, there are many tools and considerations to better manage your condition every day.

Please contact us for more information



While pain is a very subjective experience and differs from one person to another, everyone agrees that pain is not a welcomed guest in their daily life.

Please contact us for more information


Contact An Expert

Our Pharmacists are able to provide you with the necessary assistance should you have any questions or concerns.


What are the changes to OHIP+ program?

The Ontario government has announced changes to OHIP+ starting April 1, 2019. Children and youth age 24 and under who are OHIP-insured, but who do not have a private plan will be eligible.

What medications are covered by OHIP+?

OHIP+ completely covers the cost of more than 4,400 drug products that are currently available through the Ontario Drug Benefit Program, including:

  • Antibiotics to treat infections
  • Inhalers for asthma
  • Various insulins, oral diabetic medications and diabetes test strips
  • Epinephrine auto-injectors (e.g. EPIPENs®)
  • Medications to treat arthritis, epilepsy and other chronic conditions
  • Antidepressants
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medications
  • Medications to treat some childhood cancers and other rare conditions

To find out if your medication is covered through the Ontario Drug Benefit Program visit or contact us for more information.

Medications available through the Exceptional Access Program may also be covered if an individual qualifies

What is a private plan?

A private plan means an employer, group or individual plan, program or account, that could provide coverage for drug products, including facilitating the funding that could be used to pay for drug products, regardless of the following: 

  • the private plan covers the particular drug for which coverage is sought, 
  • the child or youth or another person under the private plan is required to pay a co-payment, deductible, or premium, or, 
  • the child or youth has reached their annual maximum under the private plan and no further coverage is available.
What about medications not covered under OHIP+?

If the prescribed medication is not covered by OHIP+, your Guardian or I.D.A. pharmacist may be able to recommend alternative medications that are covered by OHIP+.
If you have private insurance, some drugs not covered by OHIP+ may be covered by your insurance plan.

The Exceptional Access Program (EAP) may enable access to some medications for which no appropriate alternative is covered by OHIP+. Your healthcare provider is required to submit a request on your behalf. If approved, the full cost of the medication will be covered. Visit for more information on EAP.

How do I get an Ontario health card?

An Ontario health card is required to receive OHIP+ coverage.  For more information on getting an Ontario health card, visit or contact a ServiceOntario Centre at 1-800-268-1154 (toll-free in Ontario only), 416-314-5518 (Toronto and GTA) or 1-800-387-5559 (toll-free TTY).

If my child is entitled to receive drug benefits through Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program, will they be fully covered, or will they have a co-pay? si?

Children and youth age 24 and under who are eligible for the Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) Program because they receive social assistance benefits, regardless of whether they have a private plan, will maintain their benefits through the ODB Program with no co-pay and no deductible.


+ 1 (519) 265-5656


11 Speedvale Ave E,Guelph, ON N1H 1J2


Store Hours

M-F: 9am – 6pm
Saturday: 10am – 2pm Sunday: 10am – 11am